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From fjord to plate

Explore the Fjord's Pantry

Join the nature guide to explore the Limfjord. Hop in a pair of our waders and go hunting in the water, where you may be lucky to catch shrimp, crabs and fish in ruses and creels or mussels on line.

There are wild, delicious herbs to be found on the beach and seaweed to pull up from the water. We light up the fire pit so we can bake bread and enjoy delicious salty chips from dried seaweed!

We do tastings of the shellfish and fish we might catch.

All this takes place in and at our beautiful beach pavilion, which is located in the most beautiful surroundings, right next to the water.

Come along, enjoy the hygge and taste the amazing local, wild produce!

Practical info

Location: Dokken 13, 7680 Thyborøn
Duration: Approx. 2 hours
Price: 99 DKK for children between 3-12 years old, 139 DKK for people over 12 years old
Children under 3 years old are very welcome, but we ask that you do not book tickets for them

What is included

Loans and equipment rentals are included in the price. Simply bring yourself in clothing appropriate to the weather conditions.

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About Jyllandsakvariet

We create natural experiences.

JyllandsakvarietVesterhavsgade 167680 Thyborøn 97 83 28 08
© 2024 Jyllandsakvariet
From DKK 99/guest
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From DKK 99/guest